How to Create WiFi Hotspot From PC

How to Create WiFi Hotspot From PC

Method 1
*Applicable on Windows 7/8/8.1/10

1. Open Command Propmt (Run As Admin)
2. Type this command:
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid="Ideapad" key="0123456789"

* The red texts which you need to edit
* ssid=Hotspot name
* key=Hotspot password

3. Now enable the hotspot that you've created. Type this command:
netsh wlan start hostednetwork

4. Open Network and Sharing Center, you will see something like this (refer picture below)

5. Click on the blue text which you're connected right now (WiFi/Ethernet)
6. Click on Properties, then choose Sharing tab.
7. On the Internet Connection Sharing, tick the checkbox and choose the WiFi Hotspot that you've created.

8. Click on OK and wait for few seconds and you will notice that the Hotspot is now has internet access.

9. Now you can connect to your created WiFi Hotspot

Note: To turn off the WiFi Hotspot, type this command:
netsh wlan stop hostednetwork

Method 2
*Applicable on Windows 10 only

1. Click on the WiFi icon on the taskbar and choose "Network & Internet Settings"

2. Choose Mobile Hotspot tab
3. On "Share my internet from", choose the wifi/ethernet that you've connected
4. Click on "Edit" button to change the Network Name and Network Password
5. Once you've satisfied, switch on the Mobile Hotspot.

6. Now you can connect to the hotspot from PC
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