How to Block Coinhive Mining Script

How to Block CoinHive Mining Script

Recently we have heard that ThePirateBay was using Coinhive mining script to replace the annoying ads.
So, there are some methods on how to block the CoinHive Mining script from compromising your CPU usage.

Method 1: Using AdBlock on Chrome Browser

1. Head to Extension section

2. Click on Adblock Options

3. Go to CUSTOMIZE, then click on edit on "Manually edit your filter"

4. Fill in this url on the empty box:

You are done!!
The script shouldn't be executed since it has been blocked by Adblock

Method 2: Use other Chrome extension which blocks crypto mining script
- minerBlock
- No Coin

Method 3: Use Avast Internet Security or Avast Premier

Avast's Web Shield will do its job to block the CoinHive mining script and other mining script from it to start
compromising your CPU usage.

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