How to Use KMSPico (Activate Windows & Microsoft Office)

How to Use KMSPico (Activate Windows & Microsoft Office)

- Installed Windows and/or Microsoft Office ('10/'13/'16)
- KMSPico - Link 1 | Link 2 (Portable)

* Use Portable version

* Make sure you already have your Windows 8/8.1/10 and/or Microsoft Office '10/'13/'16 installed
* Disable anti virus protection and connected to internet before run the program

1. Run KMSELDI.exe.
* IF it doesn't shows up on screen, open Task Manager, find KMSELDI.exe and End Task. Open the program again, it should pops up.

2. Click on the Red Button, wait until it disappeared.

* Restart your machine and your Windows and Microsoft Office should be activated.
* Now you can delete/ uninstall KMSPico since you don't need it anymore.

* Microsoft Office & Windows are activated for 180 days, once it hits 3 days before 180 days, it will reminds you that the product is expiring. Just re-activate it by using KMSPico.
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